
  • Dilfuza Tokhtayeva Center for the development of professional Qualifications of medical personnel. 2nd year director of the Department of Neonatology


Sepsis (Greek: sepsis - putrefaction) (infection of microbes into the blood, general purulent infection, pus in the blood) is a general infectious disease caused by the spread of purulent microbes from the local infection center to the bloodstream, lymphatic channels, and from them to all tissues and organs of the patient. Infected wounds and purulent diseases located in different areas (chicken, abscess, phlegmon, etc.) can be a source of sepsis. Umbilical cord abscess causes infant sepsis. Postpartum sepsis occurs as a result of suppuration of the uterine cavity. Usually, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, gonococci, Escherichia coli and other microbes cause sepsis


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How to Cite

Tokhtayeva , D. (2024). SEPSIS IN NEWBORN BABIES. RESEARCH AND EDUCATION, 3(7), 29–31. Retrieved from