soapstock, ultrasonic method, density, viscosity, foaming propertiesAbstract
The article shows the possibility of assessing the transportability of soapstock, saponified by various methods - classical and ultrasonic. It was found that after ultrasonic treatment, the density and viscosity of the soapstock significantly decreased compared to the classical method of processing branch waste from edible oil industry. At the same time, the foaming capacity of the soapstock increased with an increase in the saponification temperature after the initial and 5 minute soak. In a 5 minute settling, the foaming ability of the soapstock turned out to be lower than its initial settling.
The foam ratio of the soapstock, saponified by the ultrasonic method, is relatively from 1.5 to 2.5 times less than by the classical method of soapstock saponification. Indicators of rheological properties of saponified soapstock proved the acceptability of pumping soapstock from one apparatus to another. Whereas, the foaming properties and the foam ratio indicate premature foam control in the production of soap, as well as the properties of the resulting detergent based on the basic solution - saponified soapstock.
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