
  • Дилобар Абдукахаровна Мирзаева д.б.н.,(PhD) доц., Ташкентсий государственный технический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
  • Шавкат Шухратович Азимов д.б.н., (PhD) доц., Ташкентсий государственный технический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
  • Нортожи Абдихаликович Хужамшукуров д.б.н.,проф., Научно-исследовательский институт генетических ресурсов растений, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
  • Маликахон Фаррухжон кизи Разикова докторант., Ташкентсий государственный технический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
  • Камолиддин Ахмаджонович Махмудов Соискатель, Ташкентский государственный технический университет Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент


Tenebrio molitor, микробиологический анализ, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus firmus.


В статье рассмотрен микробиологический анализ биомассы Tenebrio molitor, в будущем проведен микробиологический анализ высушенных образцов биомассы Tenebrio molitor в связи с тем, что она имеет большое научное и практическое значение для предотвращения возникновения повреждений у организмов, потребляющих эту биомассу (человека, крупного рогатого скота, птиц, рыб и др.) На основании проведенных работ проведены исследования на основе природной высушенной биомассы личинок Tenebrio molitor. Учитывая весьма сжатые сроки, отведенные на наши исследования, микробиологический анализ съедобных насекомых, представляющих собой огромный экономический ресурс и требующих длительного времени, направление наших исследований направлено на определение бактериальной флоры личинок Tenbrio molitor.


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Хўжамшукуров Н.А., Азимов Ш.Ш., Туробжонов С.М., Кучкарова Д. Макрофитларнинг хромга (Cr (VI) бўлган толерантлиги. ЎзМУ хабарлари. 2021. №3/2/1. 133-137 б. (03.00.00. №9)

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Туробжонов С.М., Хўжамшукуров Н.А., Азимов Ш.Ш. 2022. Инновационные способы модернизации в технологии очистки воды. Инновации в нефтегазовой отрасли: электрон.научн.журн. №1/2022. -С.12-

E.Egamberdiev, S. Turabdjanov, D. Mirzaeva, Kh. Khaydullaev, U. Sharipova, A. Shokhakimova, and O. Bakhtiyorov.: Effect of chitosan substance on the mechanical properties of paper obtained on the basis of flax cellulose. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01045 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337101045

Igamqulova N.; Mengliev, Sh.; Egamberdiev E.: Reduction of waste disposed to the environment through recycling of unused methyldiethanolamine. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01049 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337101049

Ergashev Y.; Egamberdiev E.; Mirkhodjaeva D.; Akmalova G.; Umarova M.; Kholdarov R.: Obtaining a filter material used in gas and air purification. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01012 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337101012

Egamberdiev E.; Ergashev Y.; Turabdjanov S.; Abdumavlyanova M.; Makhkamov A.; Rashidov, Sh.; Karimov, Sh.: Effect of chitosan on the surface properties of cellulose-based paper obtained from the flax plant. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01010 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202337101010

Arslanov, Sh.; Turabdjanov S.; Azimova, Sh.; Azimov D.; Sultankhojaeva N.; Egamberdiev E.: Physico-chemical properties and research of acids contained in oils of Uzbekistan. E3S Web E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01021

Ergashev Y.; Egamberdiev E.; Turabdzhanov S.; Akmalova G.; Isanova R.; Rashidov R.; Sobitov O.: Obtaining filter material from natural fiber composition and areas of its use. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01047

Egamberdiev E.; Turabdjanov S.; Akmalova G.; Mukhtarova N.; Ayubova I.; Mirzakhmedova M.; Rakhmonberdiev G.: Obtaining paper from composition of different fibers and its analysis. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01004

Egamberdiev, E.; Ergashev, Y.; Khaydullayev, K.; Husanov, D.; Rahmonberdiev, G. Obtaining paper samples using basalt fibers and studing the effect of natural glue obtained from chitosan on paper quality. Universum: technical science 2022, 4, 14-18, https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13348

Egamberdiev E.; Akmalova G.; Rahmonberdiev G. Obtaining paper products from cellulose-containing plants and researching its field of application. 3rd International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering, ICECAE 2022Virtual, Online13 October 2022до 16 October 2022Код 187394, DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1142/1/012054

Egamberdiev E.; Makhkamov A.; Rakhimjonov B.; Khusanov D.; Akmalova G.; Mirzakhmedova M.; Rahmonberdiev G. Effectiveness of cleaning of sunflower oil with filter material made from composition of organic and inorganic fibers. 3rd International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering, ICECAE 2022Virtual, Online13 October 2022до 16 October 2022Код 187394, DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1142/1/012050

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E.A. Egamberdiev., Y.T. Ergashev., Kh.Kh. Khaydullaev., G.Y. Akmalova., G.R. Rakhmonberdiev. The effect of chitosan on the surface properties of cellulose-based paper obtained from the stem of flaxseed. “Technical science and innovation”, 2022. 27.

Egamberdiev E.A., Makhkamov A.R., Rakhmonberdiev G.R. Obtaining wrapping paper used in furniture wrapping and quality delivery and determining its quality indicators // Tashkent state technical university named after Islam Karimov Technical science and innovation–Tashkent,– No. 2(12). 2022.– P. 33–39.

Egamberdiev E.A., Norboyev S.K. Extraction of cellulose nanocrystals from secondary paper waste and their use in paper production // Tashkent state technical university named after Islam Karimov Technical science and innovation –Tashkent,– No. 3(13). 2022.– P. 215–222.

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Zokirbekov, J. K., Aliev, B. A., & Egamberdiev, E. A. (2023). Modified mineral sorbents for waste water treatment. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2(10), 155–157. Retrieved from https://openidea.uz/index.php/idea/article/view/1345

Zokirbekov, J. K., Aliev, B., & Egamberdiev, E. (2023). Effect of temperature on sorbents. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2(10), 158–161. Retrieved from https://openidea.uz/index.php/idea/article/view/1346

Zokirova , Z. Q. qizi, Egamberdiyev, E. A., & Sattarkulov , L. A. o‘g‘li. (2023). Installation of new types of basalt fiber filters in industry. SCHOLAR, 1(11), 122–125. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/openscholar/article/view/3281

Zokirova Zilola Qaxramon qizi, Egamberdiyev Elmurod Abduqodirovich, & Sattarkulov Lazizbek Abror o‘g‘li. (2023). Use of cellulose based filters in the oil and gas industry. Ta’limni rivojlantirishda innovatsion texnologiyalarning o‘rni va ahamiyati, 1(1), 261–264. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/konferensiya/article/view/3388

S.S. Aliev, E.A. Egamberdiev, G.Yu. Akmalova, G.U. Ilkhamov. Analysis of physical-mechanical properties of new type of wood-polymer composite materials. Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Harvard Educational and Scientific Review, 48-53

Turabdjanov , S., Egamberdiev, E., Iskandarov, A., & Zokirova, Z. (2023). Installation of new types of basalt fiber filters in industry. SCHOLAR, 1(10), 106–110. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/openscholar/article/view/3109

Rashidov Sh.A., Egamberdiev E.A., Turabdjanov S.M. Obtaining cellulose nanocrystals and their use in paper production. Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences 1.2 2023, 3-8. https://doi.org/10.29013/AJT-23-1.2-3-8

E Egamberdiev, R Kholdarov, R Masharipov, O Muratkulov, G Akmalova, Ergashev Yo, M Mirzakhmedova. Effect of flocculinants on stability of paper materials Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences 1.2 2023, 9-12. https://doi.org/10.29013/AJT-23-1.2-9-12

Egamberdiev Elmurod, Ergashev Yorkinjon, Mahkamov Adham, Umarova Muattar, Akmalova Guzal. Obtaining oil filters from local fiber raw and its advantages. Universum: технические науки 8-3 (101) 2022 – P. 49-54.

Egamberdiev Elmurod, Ergashev Yorqinjon, Khaydullayev Khurshid, Husanov Dilshod, Rahmonberdiev Gappor. Obtaining paper samples using basalt fibers and studying the effect of natural glue obtained from chitosan on paper quality. Universum: технические науки 4-13 (97) 2022 – P. 14-18.

Gulnoza Iskhakova Elmurod Egamberdiev, Jamshid Ziyadullaev. Obtaining thermal insulation materials containing basalt fiber and cellulose. International scientific and practical conference modern views and research 2021/6, 10-11

G‘.R.Rakhmonberdiev E.A.Egamberdiev, G.Yu.Akmalova, Yo.T.Ergashev, M.M.Shakirova. The influence of different natural fibers applied on the quality index of the paper. American journal of research 2021/4, 48-57

G.Akmalov S.Arslanov, E. Egamberdiev. Physiologically active polymers with anti tuberculosis activity. International scientific and practical conference modern views and research 2021/2, 48-50.

G.Rakhmanberdiev E. Egamberdiev, Yo.Ergashev. Obtaining a filter material based on basalt fiber used for the oil industry. International scientific practical conference modern views and research 2021/2, 63-65

Toyir Safarov, Elmurod Egamberdiev, Yorqin Ergashev. Study of the effect of binders on paper materials made based on mineral fibers. Internationales Deutsches Akademika Aachener, Germany 2021, 40-43

S.Arslanov, E. Egamberdiev, G.Akmalova. Physiologically active polymers with antituberculosis activity. Modern views and research - 2021, January-February, 2021: Egham. 48-50

E. Egamberdiev, Yo.Ergashev, G.Rakhmanberdiev. Obtaining a filter material based on basalt fiber used for the oil industry. Modern views and research - 2021, January-February, 2021: Egham. 63-65

Aliev S.S., Rakhmanberdiev G.R., Sharafatdinov B. Study physical and mechanical properties of wood-polymer composition materials made on the basis of local wood flours and polyvinylchloride // “Technical science and innovation”, Tashkent State Technical University named after I.A. Karimov, Tashkent 2022, pp. 211-214.

Aliev S.S., Egamberdiev E.A., Akmalova G.Yu., Ilkhamov G.U. Analysis of physical-mechanical properties of new type of wood-polymer composite materials // Harvard Educational and Scientific Review. International Agency for Development of Culture, Education and Science. 0362-8027 47 Vol.3. Issue 3 Pages 48-53

Aliev S.S., Egamberdiev E.A., Juraev A.B., Ismatov M.N., Zokirova Z.Q. The Effect of Wood Fillers in Individual Conditions on Wood-Polymer Composites // “Technical science and innovation”, Tashkent State Technical University named after I.A. Karimov, Tashkent 2023, pp. 208-213.

Aliev S.S., Egamberdiev E.A., Akmalova G.Yu. Obtaining environmentally friendly polymer composite material from local wood flour // Al-Farabi Kazakh National University NJSC Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources Research Institute for Problems of Biology and Biotechnology Research Institute for Ecological Problems. Almaty, 2023, pp.168-171




How to Cite

Мирзаева , Д. А., Азимов , Ш. Ш., Хужамшукуров , Н. А., Разикова , М. Ф. к., & Махмудов , К. А. (2023). МИКРОБИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ БИОМАССЫ TENEBRIO MOLITOR. SCHOLAR, 1(29), 113–129. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/openscholar/article/view/5126


