
  • Nargiza Khairullaevna Ortikova PhD Samarkand State Medical University, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.


Fear, dental phobia, fear of the dentist, children’s reactions, correction of fear and anxiety.


Anxiety and fear are part of the normal development of a child, and, as a rule, the development of fear and anxiety is transient. Panic fear of dentists is a disease called dentophobia, odontophobia or dental phobia. A person suffering from such a disease simply cannot cross the threshold of a dental office, even when the toothache becomes completely unbearable. It is important here to distinguish normal anxiety before a visit to the doctor from a panic state. If anxiety gives way to the arguments of reason, then, naturally, there is no disease. If, at the mere thought of dental treatment, your blood pressure jumps to unknown heights, your heart starts racing, and you are unable to follow even the simplest instructions from the doctor, then you have dental phobia. las, you cannot hide from dental problems. Caries and tooth loss are fraught with gastrointestinal diseases, migraines, even scoliosis. In addition, prevention is not only much less painful, but also costs less than serious treatment. So, what should dentophobes do?


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How to Cite

Ortikova , N. K. (2023). DENTAL ANXIETY AS A SPECIAL PLACE IN SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. SCHOLAR, 1(29), 104–112. Retrieved from


