
  • Yorqin Ergashev Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
  • Sunnatilla Aliyev Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
  • Dilobar Mirkhodjaeva Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
  • Olimjon Muratkulov Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov


waste paper, cardboard, organic and inorganic fibers, basalt fibers


In this article, using waste paper, its chemical processing and restoration of its properties were studied. In addition, in order to expand its strength and fields of use, it was exposed to natural mineral fibers and the properties of composite materials were studied


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Ergashev Y.; Egamberdiev E.; Mirkhodjaeva D.; Akmalova G.; Umarova M.; Kholdarov R.: Obtaining a filter material used in gas and air purification. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01012 (2023)

Egamberdiev E.; Ergashev Y.; Turabdjanov S.; Abdumavlyanova M.; Makhkamov A.; Rashidov, Sh.; Karimov, Sh.: Effect of chitosan on the surface properties of cellulose-based paper obtained from the flax plant. E3S Web of Conferences 371, 01010 (2023)

Arslanov, Sh.; Turabdjanov S.; Azimova, Sh.; Azimov D.; Sultankhojaeva N.; Egamberdiev E.: Physico-chemical properties and research of acids contained in oils of Uzbekistan. E3S Web E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01021

Ergashev Y.; Egamberdiev E.; Turabdzhanov S.; Akmalova G.; Isanova R.; Rashidov R.; Sobitov O.: Obtaining filter material from natural fiber composition and areas of its use. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 371, 01047

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Aliev S.S., Egamberdiev E.A., Akmalova G.Yu., Ilkhamov G.U. Analysis of physical-mechanical properties of new type of wood-polymer composite materials // Harvard Educational and Scientific Review. International Agency for Development of Culture, Education and Science. 0362-8027 47 Vol.3. Issue 3 Pages 48-53

Aliev S.S., Egamberdiev E.A., Juraev A.B., Ismatov M.N., Zokirova Z.Q. The Effect of Wood Fillers in Individual Conditions on Wood-Polymer Composites // “Technical science and innovation”, Tashkent State Technical University named after I.A. Karimov, Tashkent 2023, pp. 208-213.

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How to Cite

Ergashev, Y., Aliyev, S., Mirkhodjaeva, D., & Muratkulov , O. (2023). APPLICATION OF WASTE IN THE COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS BASED ON MINERAL FIBERS. SCHOLAR, 1(21), 47–53. Retrieved from


