Smarthomes, IoT, attack.Abstract
The number of smart homes globally is expected to growth to 478.2 million by next year [1]. One of the biggest attractions of smart home technology is using internet-connected devices to secure personal dwellings remotely. Despite the ease smart home security devices provide for protecting homes against theft, damage, or accident, smart home devices also create the risk of lowering personal data security.
A 2021 research project discovered that typical smart homes are helpless to a high number of data attacks.[2] Reported instances of smart home attacks have included hackers remotely controlling smart lights and smart TVs [3], unlocking IoT-enabled doors, and remotely turning on and streaming video from smart cameras.[4] In one example, a Milwaukee home only realized they had been attacked when they woke up after their thermostat had been programmed to over 30 degrees Celsius [5].
Two major faults in connected homes make them susceptible to these attacks; vulnerable local networks and weak IoT devices.
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