
  • Orifjon Odiljon oʻg‘li Mamatqulov Farg‘ona davlat universiteti


danakli mevalar, continental, sug‘orish, zovur, alternarioz, teshikchali dog‘lanish.


Ushbu maqolada hududning iqlim sharoitidan kelib chiqqan danakli meva ekinlarini yetishtrish va ularni kasalliklarga qarshi kurashish chora tadbirlari boʻyicha ilmiy tavsiyalar berilgan. Viloyatning tuproq va iqlim sharoiti xar xil ekanligini inobatga oladigan bo‘lsak bu yerdagi ekinlarni sug‘orish uchun sareflanadigan suv miqdorlari ham turlicha bo‘ladi. Shu nuqtayi nazardan har bir ekinlarni suv talabchanligini inobatga olgan holda va ularni zararkunanada xasharotlar bilan kasallanishini etiborga olgan holda yetishtrishning tavsiyalari berilgan.


Mamatkulov, O. O. ., & Numanov, J. O. . (2021). Recycling of the Curve Planning in Gat Technology (Auto Cad) Program. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 418-423. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.18.908

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Abdukadirova M. A. The Role Of Builder And Building In The Development Of The Country Is Invaluable //The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research. – 2021. – Т. 3. – №. 05. – С. 81-84.“INTERNATIONAL СONFERENCE ON LEARNING AND TEACHING” 2022/8243

Berdaliyeva Y. X. et al. Gis Dasturlari Yordamida Geografik Asos Qatlamlarini Joylashtirish Va Ularni Boshqarish //International Conferences On Learning And Teaching. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 6. – С. 312-314

Numanovich, A. I., & Abbosxonovich, M. A. (2020). The analysis of lands in security zones of high-voltage power lines (power line) on the example of the Fergana region. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2, 25-30.

Yuldashev, G., & Marupov, A. A. (2019). Main ways to improve the efficiency of agricultural land use in the Fergana valley sample. Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University, 1(8), 68-74.

Marupov, A. A., & Ahmedov, B. M. (2021). General Characteristics of Zones with Special Conditions of use of the Territory. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 446-451.

Abdukadirova M. A., qizi Mirzakarimova G. M. The use of Geo Information System in the Establishment of Land Balance //Middle European Scientific Bulletin. – 2021. – Т. 18. – С. 441-445.

Хакимова К. Р., Абдукадирова М. А., Абдухалилов Б. К. РАЗРАБОТКА ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ МЕТОДОВ В КАРТОГРАФИЧЕСКОМ ОПИСАНИИ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО СОСТОЯНИЯ //Актуальная наука. – 2019. – №. 11. – С. 34- 38.

Khakimova K. R., Ahmedov B. M., Qosimov M. Structure and content of the fergana valley ecological atlas //ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. – 2020. – Т. 10. – №. 5. – С. 456-459.

Makhmud K., Khasan M. Horizontal Survey of Crane Paths //Middle European Scientific Bulletin. – 2021. – Т. 18. – С. 410-417.

Abduraufovich Q. O., Valiyevich M. X., Dilshodbekoʻg‘li H. E. Some issues of re-utilization of casing strings, unused water intake wells (for example, some countries in the south-western sahel) //ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. – 2020. – Т. 10. – №. 6. – С. 1568-1574.“INTERNATIONAL СONFERENCE ON LEARNING AND TEACHING” 2022/8244

Salyamova K D., Rumi D.F., Turdikulov Kh.Kh. Analysis of seismic stability of retaining earth structures with account of dissipative properties of soil. European science review 11–12 November – December. V 1 Vienna. 2018, P. 81-84.

Yangiev Asror, Salyamova Klara, Turdikulov Khusanboy and Fayziev Xomitxon. Dynamics of an earth dam with account for rheological properties of soil under dynamic effect // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 869 (2020) 072005 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/869/7/072005

KD Salyamova, ХХ Turdiqulov. Analysis of stability of ground dams under seismic loads // Scientific-technical journal – (2020) 24 (1), 59-63

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How to Cite

Mamatqulov, O. O. oʻg‘li. (2022). DANAKLI MEVA KASALLIKLARIGA QARSHI KURASHISH YOʻLLARI. INTERNATIONAL СONFERENCE ON LEARNING AND TEACHING, 1(8), 240–244. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/iclt/article/view/2133