
  • Саодат Улмасовна Шадиева Тошкент давлат стоматология институти, Тошкент, Ўзбекистон
  • Жавоҳир Азизбек уғли Юсуфбоев Тошкент давлат стоматология институти стоматология факултети 1-курс талабаси


Lipid metabolism disorders are common in patients with chronic kidney disease (ChKD) and are one of the causes of its exacerbation and have been studied in many studies. In animal experiments, cholesterol has been shown to increase renal alveoli, while reducing the amount of lipids with medication significantly reduces the rate of exacerbation of such damage. Each pathogenetic link of ChKD has its own impact on the deepening of the process. In particular, the imbalance of the lipid spectrum is one of the accelerating factors of ChKD. In processes associated with hyperlipidemia, filtered lipoproteins in the glomeruli precipitate in the renal tubules, leading to tubulointerstitial processes and sclerosis. Subsequently, high levels of lipids lead to the fact that their epithelium occupies the tubules and leads to intracellular deposition. Accumulation of lipids in mesangiocytes and tubular epithelium gives the cells a peculiar foamy shape, the lipid material occupies the intercellular space, leading to their dystrophy and atrophy. Therefore, we found it necessary to study and discuss lipid spectrum parameters in patients at the pre-dialysis stage of ChKD.


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How to Cite

Шадиева, С. У., & Юсуфбоев, Ж. А. у. (2022). ЛИПИД АЛМАШИНУВИНИНГ БУЗИЛИШИНИ СУРУНКАЛИ БУЙРАК КАСАЛЛИГИГА ТАЪСИРИ. INTERNATIONAL СONFERENCE ON LEARNING AND TEACHING, 1(9), 32–36. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/iclt/article/view/1826