
  • Gulchehra Farxod qizi Sharipova Termez state university, Master’s of Pedagogical faculty (second course)


European Framework for Quality Management , Economist Intelligence , Europe, Middle East and Africa GATS: General Agreement on Trade in Services in higher education institution, International Standards Organisation Ministry of Education , Total Quality Management .


The effectiveness of the quality assurance system for higher education has been shown at the international level. The relevance of the problem of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education is considered, first of all, in the context of the global space of higher education. Reforms in the operational and strategic management of education led to the introduction of recommendations and standards for quality assurance in the ESG European Higher Education Area. The main factors of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education and the main principles of reforming the European space of higher education are highlighted. An effective tool for ensuring the quality of higher education is academic integrity, which is recognized as the moral code and ethical rules of the educational, scientific, and civilized community. Based on the results of the project "Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe" in 27 EU member states, the systems and methods of combating plagiarism were analyzed and recommendations were made regarding the need to popularize the institutional culture of academic integrity.


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How to Cite

Sharipova , G. F. qizi. (2024). QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION BASED ON FOREIGN EXPERIENCES. GOLDEN BRAIN, 2(1), 231–236. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/goldenbrain/article/view/5943