debate, mass media, content, orator, polemic, pluralism, discussion, press.Abstract
This article deals with the appearance and role of polemics in the history of mass communication. It is known that the most powerful discovery in history - the emergence of the word - formed the need for communication in human society. Communication is a process unique to humans. It includes information exchange. With the help of communication, people work together to satisfy their needs towards a specific goal. In the process of dialogue, the goals and interests of the parties are not always shared. This causes mutual contradictions, disputes, conflict of opinions or various disputes. As a form of argumentation, it is polemic that has been exalted to the level of art. At this point, if we transfer it to the pages of the press, in addition to the press’s awareness function, the polemic also serves the function of raising opinions, forming public opinion on a specific issue, and pluralism. Polemical articles usually appear in the press when debates, arguments, and different opinions arise in some area of society, around a specific problem.
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