
  • Hamid Jafarzadeh Dalian University of Technology, School of Architecture and Fine Arts, City Planning Department, Liaoning Dalian, China
  • Feng Dalian University of Technology, School of Architecture and Fine Arts, City Planning Department, Liaoning Dalian, China
  • Dong Yang Dalian University of Technology, School of Architecture and Fine Arts, City Planning Department, Liaoning Dalian, China


regional development; spatial (re)structuring; local spatial approach; Belt and Road; Bottom-up planning; SEZs


International agreements and FDI have increased opportunities for economic and spatial expansion significantly in recent decades, and industrial parks have played an important role in this process, cooperation process often arises a conflict of interest among various stakeholders and locals. However, the critical interaction between local spatial approaches and FDI-induced spatial restructuring of industrial parks as a common platform in a bottom-up planning process has been overlooked for regional development. This study will assess the effects of the local spatial approach on the Aras Free Trade-Industrial Zone spatial restructure via BRI-driven FDI for regional development. Questionnaire data, based on locals’ spatial approach to spatial restructure through BRI-driven FDI for sustainable development will be assessed using an integrated Entropy-COPRAS method for ranking and GIS software for spatial analysis to determine weighted and elevated values, hot and cold spots on the map. According to the methodology used, the findings revealed spatial heterogeneity within sections, as well as areas with high weighted and elevated values for mapped spatial locations. Eastern and western sections of the AFTZ were also found to be the most suitable for development.


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How to Cite

Jafarzadeh , H., Feng, & Yang, D. (2023). LOCAL APPROACH OVER SPATIAL RESTRUCTURING FOR ECONOMIC CHANGE THROUGH BRI-DRIVEN FDI IN ARAS SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES. GOLDEN BRAIN, 1(1), 140–146. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/goldenbrain/article/view/4322