
  • Sh.A. Karshiyev Supervisor:
  • X.U. Utkirova SamSIFL, Student:


young learner, teaching vocabulary, images, pictures, ICT technology, core skills.


Nowadays, under the leadership of our president Shavkat Mirziyoyev, it was dedicated to improve the system of teaching foreign languages. From 2021, foreign language teachers are required to have national and international language certificates, and the in-depth teaching of these foreign languages started from the 1st grade. We can see that it is included in the education process, which in turn requires the preparation of students based on the four skills from the primary school. This puts a huge responsibility on the shoulders of our foreign language teachers. Now, instead of traditional teaching methods, we should organize the teaching process based on interactive methods using new ICT.


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“Development of students’ critical thinking in foreign language (English) lessons” http://t-science.org/arxivDOI/2022/04-108.html “International Scientific Journal ISJ Theoretical and Applied Science Philadelphia, USA” issue 04, volume 108 published April 30, 2022 Publication with Impact Factor 6.630, ISSN 2308-494X, http://t-science.org

“New Directions of Modern Language for Young Learners” March, 2022, Impact Factor 7.565, www.academiascience.org Volume 3, Issue 3, Mar., 2022 ISSN: 2776-0979 https://wos.academiascience.org/index.php/wos,

“Chet tili o‘qitish bo‘yicha boshlang‘ich sinf o‘qituvchilarining o‘z-o‘zini baholash kompetensiyasini shakillantirish” 8-9 April, 2022 “International Scientific-Practical Conference on Problems and Solutions of Teaching Foreign Languages Based on Integrative and Competency Focused Approach” 101-F

“English teaching and learning factors in primary school” Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, “New Approach in Teaching Foreign Languages” International Scientific-Practical conference 11 May, 2022.




How to Cite

Karshiyev , S., & Utkirova , X. (2023). EFFECTIVE APPROACHES IN TEACHING ENGLISH. GOLDEN BRAIN, 1(14), 199–202. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/goldenbrain/article/view/3668