
  • Xurshid Oripov Institute of art and culture Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • N Qobilov Scientific supervisor: Acting Professor of the Department of “Art of Music, Drama Theater and Cinema”


Grotowski, theatre anthropology, Poor Theatre, paratheatrical experiences, accomplice-spectator, body-hieroglyph, body-selfhood.


Jerzy Grotowski, who created the concept of a Poor Theatre in the 1960s, developed a unique training methodology and a new approach to the way an actor exists. The work of Poor Theatre actors on stage and in cinema is based on the complex interaction of external and internal role scores. This article analyzes the methodology of creating an image in performance of the Grotowski period of Poor Theatre.


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How to Cite

Oripov, X., & Qobilov, N. (2023). JERZY GROTOWSKI’S ACTING SCHOOL. GOLDEN BRAIN, 1(14), 87–90. Retrieved from