
  • Nurbek Sharafovich Rajabaliyev Cadet of the Academy of Internal Affairs


law, society, stability, order, justice, equality, legal representation, consumer protection, family law, property law, civil proceedings, criminal proceedings, legal redress, regulation, social interactions, public safety, conflict prevention, rule of law.


Law plays a critical role in ensuring stability, order, and justice in society. This article examines the multifaceted role of law, including ensuring stability by establishing clear and enforceable rules, regulating social interactions, and preventing conflicts. Law also plays an important role in ensuring order by providing a framework for maintaining public safety and preventing criminal activity. In addition, law promotes justice by protecting individual rights, regulating economic processes, and providing a system of legal redress for individuals who have suffered harm or injustice. The key components of law in society include equality before the law, legal representation, consumer protection, family law, property law, and civil and criminal legal proceedings. The importance of law in society cannot be overstated, as it provides a foundation for social order, stability, and justice. By promoting the rule of law, societies are able to ensure that individuals are treated fairly and equitably, and that the interests of all members of society are protected.



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How to Cite

Rajabaliyev , N. S. (2023). THE ROLE OF LAW IN PUBLIC LIFE. GOLDEN BRAIN, 1(10), 504–508. Retrieved from