
  • Hikmatillo Valisherjon o‘g‘li Anvarbekov 3rd year bachelor’s student of Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages
  • Xalilillo Qodirov Teacher


globalization, international language, economics, cultural, political, science, technology, entrepreneurs.


English language is a language before Globalization; English is the language after Globalization. Globalization and English language are said to work as pull factors for one another. English language plays a major role in the progress of Globalization. Globalization of trade and commerce, increasing diversities of work force with different setup values have increased the importance of English language usage.

Man has been using language as a medium of communication for the ages, today due to Globalization English language has become the most prized possession of communication. In this Global village, English language acts as a repository of wisdom and wit. English language is a propeller for advancement of career and a machine to mint money. And it is a telescope to view the vision of future. In this Global world, communication in English is now recognized as an inseparable part rather the life blood of every activity which occurs in our day to day life. Now a days every organization functions through a communication process, wherein mutually independent persons create and exchange messages to articulate and achieve commonly held objectives and goals.

English language can be rightly regarded as the key to the store house of production and productivity. We can make use of this language to promote our world view and spiritual heritage and promote cultural and traditional aspects across the globe. Globalization has brought English language into limelight. The scenario of the usage of the language has changed drastically. The Queens language has become a common mans curriculum. The language has become a silver bowl to earn ones bread and butter.

In this Global world English is the language of the latest business management. English language is not only a means for international commerce, it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication. It is the official language of air transfers and shipping, the leading language of science and technology, computers and commerce and a major medium of education. In an era of increased communication through the telephones, fax machine, television and modem, the world is becoming more and more globally oriental. Business, families, friends and many other groups with common interests are able to form small tele or cyber communications that transcend geographical boundaries.


Crystal, D. (2001). Language and the Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Graddol, David (1998). The Future of English. London: The British Council.

Jenkins, Jennifer (2003). World English. London: Routledge.

Mc Kay, Sandu (2002). Teaching English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Caine, T. M. 2008. Do you Speak Global?: The Spread of English and the Implication for English Language Teaching. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education, Vol. 1, Issue 1.

Crystal, D. 1997. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fairclough, N. 1989. Language and Power. London: Longman.

Graddol, D. 1997. The Future of English? London: The British Council.

Maurais, J. and Morris, M. A. 2003. Language in a Globalising World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.




How to Cite

Anvarbekov , H. V. o‘g‘li, & Qodirov , X. (2023). GLOBALIZATION AND THE SPREAD OF ENGLISH. GOLDEN BRAIN, 1(10), 199–205. Retrieved from