
  • Abdullo Amrullojon o‘g‘li Ahadov Buxoro davlat tibbiyot instituti, “Tibbiyotda innovatsiyalar va axborot texnologiyalari, biofizika” kafedrasi assistenti.


Superconductivity, hydrogen energy, hybrid energy transfer, MgB_2 superconducting cable, liquefied natural gas, microwave plasma correction.


In the article, the author described the important features of the phenomenon of superconductivity and its connection with hydrogen energy in some specific cases. In the article, some criteria for interrelation of hydrogen energy and superconductivity phenomenon of magnesium diboride superconducting cable as the constituents of a whole system are highlighted.


. Ahadov A.A. Existing problems and solutions in hydrogen energy and superconductivity. Dissertation for a Master degree. Bukhara, 2022.

. Djuraev D.R., Ahadov A.A. Physical properties of magnesium diboride superconductor and its role in hybrid energy transfer. Europen multidisciplinary journal of modern science,5, 222-229. 2022.

. Djurayev D.R., Ahadov A.A. The interrealationship of hydrogen energy and superconductivity is a new area research. Science and education, volume 3, issue 4. 272-281. 2022.

. Джураев Д.Р., Ахадов А. А. “Проблемы водородной энергетики и их решения”. - “Zamonaviy mikroelektronikaning rivojlanishida fan,ta’lim va innovatsiya integratsiyasi” Respublika ilmiy-uslubiy anjumani, 247-249. Andijon, 2020.

. D.R.Djurayev, Ahadov A.A. “Vodorod energetikasi va o‘ta o‘tkazuvchanlik”. “Tafakkur va talqin” mavzusida Respublika miqyosidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjumani. 35-39. Buxoro, 2021.

. Djurayev D.R., Ahadov A.A. Existing problems and solutions in hydrogen energy and superconductivity. “Tafakkur va talqin” mavzusidagi Respublika miqyosidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjuman to‘plami (II qism), 456-460. Buxoro, 2022.

. Djurayev D.R., Ahadov A. A. “Hydrogen energy: advantages and disadvantages, problems of using‘’. “Zamonaviy mikroelektronikaning rivojlanishida fan,ta’lim va innovatsiya integratsiyasi” Respublika ilmiy-uslubiy anjumani, 243-245. Andijon, 2020.

. Ahadov A. A. “Importance of hydrogen energy and some methods of its production”. Buxoro davlat universiteti ilmiy axboroti. 54-61, 2022/4 (92).

. Ahadov A.A. Physical interpretation of efficiency in the use of hydrogen energy. PROBLEMS AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS, Session 2, Part 3. 11-20. Australia, Melbourne. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7735710.

. Ahadov A.A. The practical significance and use of superconductivity. INNOVATIVE DEVELPOMENT IN THE GLOBAL SCIENCE, Vol. 2 No. 3(2023), 5-18.

. Ahadov A.A. Practical aspects of superconductivity in solving problems of hydrogen. Eksperimental tadqiqotlar jurnali: 3 pp. 20-24 (3). 2023.




How to Cite

Ahadov , A. A. o‘g‘li. (2023). HYDROGEN ENERGY IN SOLVING PROBLEMS OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. GOLDEN BRAIN, 1(10), 25–32. Retrieved from https://researchedu.org/index.php/goldenbrain/article/view/2997