poetess, poetry, artistic nature, creativity, literature, unfading memories.Abstract
Life, who has not traveled these roads, but each person has his own life path, his own direction of life and dream of a goal. Some people leave a deep mark on our hearts, and one of those people who left a mark on our hearts is the poetess Zulfiyakhanim. As I describe Zulfiya Khanim’s life path, it can be seen that her life was not smooth and that she faced many difficulties in her life.
This article describes the life path of the poetess Zulfiya, some important aspects of her work, various definitions given to her by poets and writers. The scope of themes and the world of images of poetess Zulfia’s poems are analyzed. Also, the poetess Zulfia’s ability to create a poetic image and poems will be highlighted through analysis. The analysis of Zulfiya’s poems shows that the spirit and tone, content and direction, goals, ideas and ideals of his poems are determined by universal thoughts and feelings.
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Zulfia — Stikhotvorenia, headteacher Lipkina S.I. [Electronic resource]. The regime is accessible: http://www.zulfiya.edunet.uz/rtilida.html;/ (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2019).
Mukhamedjanova Vera — Serdtse vsegda v puti. [Electronic resource]. Mode dostupa:https://yandex.ru/search/?text=Mukhamedjanova%20Vera%20%20 SERDTsE%20VSEGDA%20V%20PUTI&lr=5/ (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2019).
Marat Safarov. K century Uzbek poetess Zulfii. Tashkent, 2012.
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